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During this meeting, he was told that he could potentially be violating the pillars of the National Honor Society and could get his National Honor Society designation taken away from him. That is absurd. He did nothing to violate those pillars. This isn't the first time that the SRPD has appeared to specifically target Occupy activists. Last month, Josha Stark was detained for jaywalking during the Wednesday Night Market. According to an OSR press release, the officer cuffed Stark and asked, "Are you in a hurry to get back to your Occupy friends?" eventually slamming him into a trashcan.
It could be you or me rearending this rider seriously injuring or killing them. Personally I would hate to have to live with that. I understand about the fogging issue, but that is something she need to remedy before she rides again.. "I spent all day and all night there,'' Wallet said of the deciding precinct after learning he won. "I'm excited and ready to get in there and get busy." Wallet said he spoke to his challenger shortly before the polls closed, and neither discussed the election. "George is a class act.
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